classic side salad

Why o why

CRank: 5Score: 162395

He's reaching. All you have to do is go to YouTube and look at how deeper the combat is when played by those who put the time and effort in. I was shocked at the variations used and the fluency of the executions. I then knew I was a basic *itch in comparison and nowhere near as hot as I thought I was

1984d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


1984d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

No no no. . . just less impactful *wink wink*

1984d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks twig.

My dig was at the guy who stated sp games were less impactful. . Nowhere in my statement did I imply only Sony does this. I was actually agreeing with you, relax

1984d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure why there are so many disagrees. . .It's a valid point. . The listed games have 'impact'.

1984d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wish them the best of luck

1984d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

And that is all you have. . . . . . . Ironic

1985d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

There was a lot of open world trope repetition.. . Car boot kidnapper crew springs to mind but you don't have to do those. You should definitely finish the game if you haven't already as games can pick up as well as drop off towards the end. Teams can play shit at the start of a season and end strongly and vice versa.

I don't think there is a better Spiderman game out. A good first step. You'd hope the sequel would eradicate the weaker elements whilst ma...

1985d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Take note. . . This is how you end a gen. . . No slacking. Sony's ambition, planing and execution in relation to games should be lauded. I've seen manufacturers get hailed for less. Sony have played an almost perfect hand this gen.

1988d ago 33 agree3 disagreeView comment

You really are emotional. Relax, it's just video games and opinions. Put one in the air or something because you look weird af claiming others are 'angry' *shrugs&chuckles*

1989d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

'Where did I say the most sales equates to the best product?'

See, that's what some of them resort to. . . Retort arguments that weren't made. . .

The whole big Mac argument is being misused to downplay the absolute dominance of one console over the other with simultaneous release windows. The clear winner has produced the most and talked the least compared to the brand who spoke the most and produced the least. Even if sales weren't...

1989d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

So emotional but you guys sure are acting like these new acquisitions guarantee success. .all that has happened is a massive box has been ticked. As it stands it's promise. Until we see results its daft to either downplay the importance of these added studios or act like they'll be producing game of the year level games off the bat. Hold your horses, let's wait and see

1989d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment


1989d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lol. . . Gets em every time

1990d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

Definitely a step in the right direction along with the worthy services no doubt . . . . But what about the gen we're actually partaking in. . . . Worse output than last gen and a whole heap of talk since the gen started. I bet he won't be highlighting the 'impact' of sp games when a couple of those studios make a couple.

Participation awards suck btw

1990d ago 33 agree5 disagreeView comment

Microsoft 'say' a lot

Good luck though. This should make things interesting if said studios are managed correctly. The talent is there and can grow.

1990d ago 8 agree9 disagreeView comment

You're setting yourself up my friend. I'll leave it at that

1990d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol. . .I'm late but anyone been here long enough to remember the great 'zhuk' , 'jokes on you', 'dark sniper' and 'macalactus'. . . . .

1990d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Many A studios started off as B and C studios. Give them time BUT the management of the studios and subsequent projects is key in becoming or maintaining an A status. MS has a questionable history in growing studios. Sony have had mishaps too but have had way more successes also.

1993d ago 18 agree11 disagreeView comment

Their bottom lines matter less to me than their outputs. . . .you could argue that one is underachieving and the other overachieving if wealth is your barometer of success. . .think about it

1993d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment